animals from the slap

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Tuesday 11th may

4 baby ducklings have hatched today, 2 white and 2 black and white. All the sheep and baby lambs have gone outside, a big adventure for them. The lambs are all dressed in lovely blue plastic coats, this keeps the rain off them and stops them from getting hypothermea.

Monday 11th may

early this morning our big brown jacob sheep had twins, a lovely black and white ram lamb and a speckled ewe lamb, they are both up and feeding well.

sunday 9th may

today our pet sheep Kathryrn had a lovely big healthy baby boy called Barney, both mum and baby are doing well. 6 little quail also hatched today, they are no bigger than your thumbnail. Bbaby ducklings are hatching like mad, 7 today all thriving well.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

new baby lambs

we have just had our first baby lambs born at 8.35pm, 2 little boys(white with black speckles)proud mum maureen and babies are doing fine.

Monday 3 May 2010

new ducklings

3rd may 2010
7 baby ducklings have hatched overnight, 3 white and 4 black and white stripes, they are very cute. The older ones in the shed have now moved to a bigger grown up pen, they are very excited about having a bigger water dish, they spend most of their time splashing about and washing their new grown feathers.